Local Weather




The following list of people and business have shown their commitment to local wildlife and its habitat by  donating, money, discounts, services, materials and equipment or volunteering time. Show web-site visitors you to care by adding your name or business to this list of dedicated folks by doing the same and making what ever kind of contribution you can. All contributions stay local and are tax deductible. Please call the Manager today for additional information, ask questions or request a wildlife property tour.
Financial Contributors
Dr. James K. Weaver * Dave Wright * Donnie & Norma Gobo * Susan Olson * Charles Shannon
Daryl Zimmerman * Zimmerman Welding
Kevin Jones * Monument Welding
CJSD Useful Public Service (Community Service)
Shirley Cates * Bookkeeping
Equipment & Materials
John Wasson * Farm Equipment
Jim Coleman * Western Implement
Tax & Account Solutions * Computer Software
Wal-Mart  * Merchandise
Day Slough * Farm Equipment
Monument Well Service

Boy Scouts of America * Local schools * Retired Senior Volunteer Program |
Sharon Becker * Doris Janowski * Marie Anne North * Dave Wright * Shirley Cates
Cecil & Michelle Cameron * Tom Shannon * Jeremy Shannon * Jerome Shannon
Jack Robinson * Aaron Wissel
* Jerry Olson


Thank You All!




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